jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2009

Dreams can be...

Some thoughts are so deep and inspiring to your short life situations that you feel you must write them down or in my case brainstorm were the god forsaken Microsoft Word program is on your computer, while not forgetting what it is you actually thought about that was so inspiring to write. Like every so called writer that has picked up a paper and pen or just opened up a laptop to express what they supposedly feel, I am committing a crime, the crime which my mind has determined in base to a law that every brain has engraved in its creation. “Don’t say what you feel” ok maybe we are not born with any brain law but, maybe our parents just inject this formula or this chip in our brains when we are born ,and this has a certain codification or code that has a certain rule or idea of what the parents want from their new born child. Normally the human body always reacts how it wants never stopping to amaze me as it rejects that idea thus making us bad daughters and sons. There I said it! ... Maybe I should just stop watching Will & Grace re-runs to make me feel better. Is it that bad to want a life where your dreams are your main goal! I know we have to be realists but, what if I don't want to be married, have three kids and a dog called "Sniffels" in a big house in Indiana? What if my goals are to make me dreams come true first and if I find love along the way so be it? Would that be so bad? Of course I could fail at these crazy fantasies in my head, but who can judge me? We all have a right to make mistakes and learn from them. I will not be an old lady wondering what would've happened if I had taken a chance with no fears. So today Jan 31, 2010 the last day of my fuked up year I will start clean and from scratch by beginning this blog in hopes that someone can learn from my mistakes and know that they are not alone.

Keep it classy strangers!

Yaletza P.